Growing technology and proper feeding for peas.
1st Stage: When dressing seeds before sowing. Germination increases by 10-12%. The soil on the plots must be well cleared of weeds. Sowing of seeds is done in early spring, in two ways: narrow-row and ordinary. Use high quality seeds for sowing. The seeds are treated immediately before sowing. At the same stage, the field is leveled, loose soils are rolled by ribbed or ring rollers, and on compacted soils, cultivation is carried out at a depth of 8 cm. Treatment before sowing with insecticides and fungicides together with liquid fertilizer "BIOTECH" containing the whole range of micro and macro elements, nitrogen and a growth stimulator, will provide the culture with a good start, increase germination (simultaneous germination, uniform development and maturation in one period), disease resistance. For the treatment of 1 ton of seeds, 2-3 liters of "BIOTECH" are used for 10 liters - 15 liters of water.
2nd Stage: Fertilization in the ground before sowing. The yield increases by 5-8%. This dressing is aimed at the germination of strong seedlings, the speed of development of the root system and the penetration of roots to a great depth, increasing immunity to diseases, and stimulating early development. Providing seedlings with micro and macro elements and increasing their ability to enrich with readily available nutrients. Fertilizer is applied before cultivation. After cultivation, soil aeration improves (a prerequisite for increasing the effectiveness of nodule bacteria). The result is achieved due to the salt of humic acids providing water retention, nitrogen (N) - which is part of the proteins that make up the basis of life, nucleic acids, phosphorus - during germination of seeds going to the synthesis of nucleic acids, potassium - increasing nitrogen fixation, boron (B) - helping to form pod tie. Per 1 ha: 5L - 6L of liquid fertilizer "BIOTECH" for 500L - 600L of water, depending on the soil quality. The working solution is prepared immediately before application. Spray with solution before cultivation in the morning or evening.
3rd Stage: First foliar feeding. Increases productivity by 4-7%. In the phase of 1-2 leaves. The germinal root begins to grow first, which is associated with a faster absorption of water and a high concentration of physiologically active substances. The appearance of the first paired underdeveloped leaves located under the root collar is observed. During this period, it is important to carry out cultivation to control weeds. This feeding is aimed at intensive formation of organs: the formation of embryonic leaves, true stem leaves and stem internodes, lateral buds in the leaf axils, plant habit (the speed of the transition to generative development largely depends on its duration), since plants switch to mixed nutrition , their growth is due to the use of reserve substances of cotyledons, leaf assimilants and root nutrition. For 1 hectare: 8 l-10 l of fertilizer for 400-500 l of water. Spray in the morning or evening min. + 8 ° C max. + 20 ° C.
4th Stage: Second foliar feeding. Increase in yield by 4 -7%. Phase 3-6 leaves. A good time to apply herbicides. The cultivated plant is less sensitive to herbicides due to the waxy coating on the stems and leaves. Fertilizers can be used in conjunction with herbicides (relieves stress on the crop). If there are no caveats in the herbicide regulations. Top dressing helps to accelerate the formation of inflorescences in the leaf axils, the formation of new leaves and generative buds in their axils, due to boron and molybdenum, which are important for symbiotic nitrogen fixation. Molybdenum is part of the nitrogenase enzyme complex, which cleaves nitrogen molecules. Boron - promotes the development of the vascular-conducting system, which delivers carbohydrates from the leaves to the nodules. On 1ha raskhod- 8 -10 liters of fertilizer per 500l of water. Spray in the morning or evening min. + 8 ° C max. + 20 ° C.
5th Stage: Third foliar feeding. Increase in yield by 5-8%. The phase of bean formation proceeds in the same order as the formation of buds, flowers and inflorescences. When peas have flat beans on the lower fruit tiers, flowering is observed in the middle tiers, and budding in the upper tiers. During this period, the largest amount of nitrogen is absorbed. The process is accelerated by salts of humic acids (retaining moisture) micro and macroelements (since a large amount of nutrients are absorbed from the soil for the full development of flowers and ovaries) and nitrogen. For 1 hectare: 8 l-10 l of fertilizer for 400-500 l of water.
Spray in the morning or evening min. + 8 ° C max. + 20 ° C.