1st Stage: Treatment of seeds. Seeds that have undergone a certain pre-sowing preparation are much better able to withstand sharp weather fluctuations, diseases, and pest infestations. Seedlings appear an order of magnitude earlier and more amicably, the plants themselves are stronger, and the yield of production also increases. Carrot seeds, due to the content of a large amount of essential oil, sprout with great difficulty, so preparation for sowing is necessary. Seeds are not subjected to any treatment: carrot hybrids; granular; treated with fungicides and insecticides (they are painted in different colors); foreign manufacturers. For processing, we recommend liquid fertilizer "BIOTECH" in a dosage of 1 liter of fertilizer per 10 liters of water. Soak the seeds for 10-12 hours in a warm solution. After soaking and biostimulation, the seeds are slightly dried until flowable (but not in the sun) and immediately sown on prepared beds.
2nd Stage: Soil processing. Presowing seed treatment with microelements, along with foliar feeding, are the most effective and economical ways of using micronutrient fertilizers. Trace elements, getting into the soil, form poorly soluble compounds. That is why water-soluble salts of trace elements are recommended to be used for seed treatment, as well as foliar feeding. Loose soil with good water permeability is required for carrots. For spring planting, the soil is dug up in advance, in the fall, so that it settles until spring. If the land has not been fertilized in the fall, you can do it in the spring, a week before planting. The earth is dug up, leveled and watered with warm water. For soil fertilization - a universal substrate "BIOTECH" "vermicompost", a product rich in micro and macronutrients, retaining moisture, improving soil structure and strengthening the plant root system, in proportions of 10 liters of substrate per sq / m. Carrot seeds germinate at a soil temperature of +4 ºC… + 6 ºC, so they can be sown as soon as the ground warms up to that temperature. The place for carrots should be well lit by the sun and be even, but a slight slope of the site is acceptable. Fertilizer should be applied only 4 times during the entire period of carrot development. Liquid fertilizer elements "BIOTECH" are necessary at a certain stage of plant development. Potassium - affects photosynthesis and protects the plant from disease. Phosphorus - helps to restore plant tissue. In addition to these components, carrot seeds and seedlings need manganese. Liquid fertilizer "BIOTECH" is compatible with rugbicides (relieves stress), fungicides, insecticides and pesticides (enhances their action, being a good adhesive).
Stage 3: Top dressing after planting: The depth of moistening of the site must correspond to the size of the root crops, that is, the ground must be saturated with water during irrigation to a depth of at least 30 cm. - The first top dressing is done 10-14 days after the emergence of seedlings when 3 real sheet. Calculation - 30 g of liquid fertilizer per 10 liters of water. To strengthen the root system. This volume should be enough to process 10 meters of the garden bed. - The second feeding is carried out 12-18 days after the first. For planting carrots to gain strength, improve carbohydrate and protein metabolism and correctly form root crops. 100 g of BIOTECH liquid fertilizer per 10 liters of warm water. - During the development of the root crop, when the root crop begins to fill with juice, it is necessary to carry out the third stage of feeding. You can use the same dosage as before. - The last time the crop is fed at the stage of crop maturation. 100 g of fertilizer per 10 liters of water.
4th Stage: Harvesting. One of the main signs of fruit ripening is yellowing of the tops, especially of its lower leaves. Harvest if the carrots have reached the size, shape and color declared by the seed manufacturer. Always choose a fine day for cleaning. This will allow you to harvest drier roots that can be stored better. Short-fruited varieties are easily removed by hand. For harvesting varieties with a long root crop, it is better to use inventory. Peeled root crops before storage should be dried in the shade during the day, and then sorted out. We offer modern technology for growing vegetables and berries in greenhouses all year round. By replacing a 20 cm soil layer with a universal substrate "BIOHUMUS-ii" "vermicompost" or by sprinkling a layer of the same thickness on top, thereby warming the soil. The effect is achieved due to the heat-insulating properties of the substrate, which will maintain the optimal temperature for the roots of plants and nourish the heated soil with all the necessary micro and macro elements. It is also imperative to maintain a constant air temperature of +22 ° C ... + 24 ° C. In this way, vegetables and berries can be grown in winter.