Winter rape
Cultivation technology and proper feeding for winter rapeseed.
1st Stage: When dressing seeds before sowing. Germination increases by 10-12% . The seeding depth should not exceed 1-3 cm, deeper seeding (over 3 cm) increases the seed germination time. The optimal time for sowing winter rape is the first - second decade of August. Sowing of winter rapeseed - continuous row. Presowing soil treatment is carried out on the day of sowing or not earlier than 1 day in advance. Seed dressing takes place immediately before application. Etching with liquid BIOTECH fertilizer (containing macro and microelements) is recommended to be carried out in combination with fungicides, insecticides. This will allow, before leaving the plant for wintering, to develop the root system and the rosette of leaves. When sown in the first decade of August, 6-7 developed leaves are formed in winter rapeseed plants by the end of the autumn growing season, the thickness of the root collar reaches 7-8 mm, and the plant height is 25-30 cm, which contributes to a good overwintering of plants. Dose: 2-3 liters of "BIOTECH" are used for the dressing of 1 ton of seeds.
2nd Stage: Fertilization in the ground before sowing. Increase in yield by 5-8%. The introduction of liquid fertilizer "BIOTECH" into the soil will provide the soil with macro- and microelements in a chelated form, necessary for rapeseed, as well as a growth biostimulator. The plant consumes about 25% of all the necessary elements in autumn, and microelements are activators of metabolism and enzymatic reactions in the plant. Per 1 ha: 8l - 10l of liquid fertilizer "BIOTECH" for 400l - 500l of water, depending on the soil quality. After cultivating the seeds into the soil, they receive the necessary readily available elements for the entire growing season / aeration is improved. The working solution is prepared immediately before application. Spray with a solution before cultivation in the morning or evening.
3rd Stage: Seedlings and autumn foliar feeding. Increases productivity by 4-7%. Produced in the phase of 1-3 true leaves. Top dressing is aimed at developing a stem and a strong root system. Getting on the leaves of plants, a humus film is formed, which protects the plant from pests and supplies organic matter. For 1 hectare: 8 l-10 l of liquid fertilizer for 400-500 l of water. Spray in the morning or evening min. + 8 ° C max. + 20 ° C.
4th Stage: Second autumn foliar feeding. Increases productivity by 4-7%. It is sprayed during the formation of a leaf rosette in the fall. Phase 4-6 leaves. Suitable phase for applying herbicides. Fertilizer in this case works as an anti-stress agent. If there are no caveats in the herbicide regulations. In combination with fungicides and insecticides, it enhances their action and is a good adhesive. Influences the correct formation of the root collar and gives additional immunity to the plant before wintering. For 1 hectare consumption is 6 liters of liquid fertilizer for 300 liters of water. Spray in the morning or evening min. + 8 ° C max. + 20 ° C.
5th Stage: First spring foliar feeding. Increases productivity by 5-7%. Top dressing is aimed at resuming the growing season in spring, using boron (for protein synthesis) and molybdenum. Along with energy metabolism, boron promotes fertilization of plants, maintains the strength of leaf tissues and participates in the regulation of water balance in the plant. The plant receives an additional stimulus for growth after wintering, and is removed from hibernation. Immunity is strengthened, moisture is retained. For 1 hectare: 8 l-10 l of fertilizer for 400-500 l of water. Spray in the morning or evening min. + 8 ° C max. + 20 ° C. In early spring, after the snow melts, at a soil temperature of min. +5 ° C. Night temperature is not lower than + 1 ° C. 6th Stage: Second spring feeding. Yield increase by 4-7%. It is sprayed during the stalking phase. Top dressing is aimed at improving the structure of plants, uniform maturation of the main and secondary shoots, uniform formation of pods, using boron, manganese, molybdenum, copper. For 1 hectare: 8 l-10 l of liquid fertilizer for 400-500 l of water.
Spray in the morning or evening min. + 8 ° C max. + 20 ° C.