Fertilizing the planting pit. The survival rate and development of a fruit tree depends on the quality of the preparation of the planting holes, especially on the soil mixture with which they are filled. On deep fertile soils, the size of the planting pits is 0.7 x 0.7 x 0.7 m, and on heavy clay and sandy soils - 1 x 1 x 1 m. Universal substrate "BIOTECH" (completely ready-to-use soil), containing all a range of micro and macroelements, peat, humus and black soil - will improve the structure of the soil, its fertility, agroperlite - the necessary moisture retention, and a growth biostimulator - a good stratum. The top layer of the excavated soil is mixed with 80 liters of universal substrate (30 kg) and laid on the bottom of the pit. On an area with a close occurrence of groundwater, cherries and cherries are planted on mounds, which are prepared in the fall, so that the soil has settled before spring. Height up to 1 m and width up to 3 m. Thus, survival rate improves and the plant is provided with the necessary nutrition for the first years of life.
Foliar dressing is carried out for trees older than 2 years from planting. Annual feeding of a young tree is advisable only if the annual growth of shoots is less than 50 cm. When the leaf cover of the tree is at least 50%, in spring and summer, feeding is carried out with liquid BIOTECH fertilizer containing micro- and macroelements in an easily digestible form (nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), boron (B), sodium (Na), sulfur (S), iron (Fe), molybdenum (Mo), humic acid salts are vital elements necessary for the plant, and a growth biostimulant). It can also be used in conjunction with herbicides (works as an antistressant), if there are no prescriptions in the regulations of herbicides, and in combination with fungicides, insecticides, it enhances their effect, as it is a good adherent. Reduces the risk of morbidity and strengthens the plant's immunity.
Foliar dressing is carried out at intervals of 7-14 days. The solution is prepared in a ratio of 1: 100 (1 liter of liquid fertilizer per 100 liters of water). Top dressing is carried out using a sprayer, in the morning or in the evening, in calm weather. When choosing the amount of dressings, one should take into account the climate, the state of health of the tree, and the composition of the soil. These are the determining factors. When combined with mineral fertilizers, a synergistic effect is achieved. It is very important to remember! 3 weeks before the fruit ripens, you must stop feeding.
Spring. Foliar top dressing. When ripe, at least 50% of the leaf apparatus. Fertilizing trees in spring should take into account the age of the crop. The older the crop, the higher the rate of irrigation and fertilization. Spring feeding gives an impetus to the development of the plant. Increases resistance to, activity of pests and diseases. Through a developed leaf apparatus, nutrition is absorbed more efficiently and faster, saturating the trees with the necessary elements. This is one of the key points for obtaining a good harvest: the ovaries left after flowering begin to fill with juice, and now it is especially important for them to receive useful substances. The solution is prepared in a ratio of 1: 100 (1 liter of liquid fertilizer per 100 liters of water).
Summer. Foliar top dressing. It is carried out 2-3 times. The trees are fed no earlier than 14 days later. Top dressing is aimed at ripening the crop. Since the green aboveground mass is already ripe, nutrition will be used to develop the quality of the fruit. The last summer dressing can be combined with abundant watering. It is at this time that the buds are laid for the next year. The solution is prepared in a ratio of 1: 100 (1 liter of liquid fertilizer per 100 liters of water).
Autumn. After the leaves fall. In the near-stem circle, along the diameter of the crown, the universal substrate "BIOTECH" is scattered, in a layer of at least 5 cm in height and 20 cm in width, which will help to provide the roots with warmth and nutrients for the entire winter period and protect the roots from frost. This procedure must be carried out before each wintering, increasing the radius as the roots and trunk of the tree grow, while simultaneously increasing the layer of the universal substrate.
Observing all stages of the prescription, you can get an increase in yield from 10 to 20%.